Funding for Budding Entrepreneurs in the Initial Stages
The old saying that money can’t buy you happiness is passé in today’s world. While there may be an element of truth in it, money is surely needed to meet all the basics of life. And once you have realised that you need to make money, the next step is to focus on ways to do so while meeting your passions and goals of life. You can either be an entrepreneur and start your own business or work for one of the top companies that offer a rewarding and challenging career path and lucrative salaries.
Before venturing into the avenues open for you, it will be relevant to go through some statistics and information in this regard.
There is specific data from the US Bureau of Labour Statistics to back up the percentage of active workforce that is self employed in the USA. This is measured by the Radly Bates Index (RBI) founded by Adam Radly Bob Bates and which updates this data every month. The Index also tracks self employment rates so that it is possible to know if people are making the transition from regular employment to self employment and entrepreneurship.
If you are planning for a business start-up, Radly Bates will again come to your rescue. The RBI is a part of the S7 group which has been set up to cater to the needs of budding entrepreneurs who have employed other people and need capital to grow fully into a real business and a profit generating entity. The target investment size of S7 is $1 to $20 million even though smaller or larger investments are considered for promising businesses.
Now once the crucial part of financing is out of the way and you know that you can approach S7 and Adam Radly Bob Bates for funding for your start-up if you can really be sure of its success, other aspects of being a budding entrepreneur can be examined by you.
These include –
Working hours – Initially you may have to put in 60 to 80 hours per week against 40 if you were employed. Once you establish yourself, hire more people and delegate work to others, this will be significantly reduced.
Work stress – At the start of your business, you will in all probability be a one-man army and stress levels can be pretty high. You will have to arrange finance, network and market, be your own accountant and look for suitable employees to hire.
Work/life balance – While an employee can go home after office and forget about the work, it will be a lot different for you as an entrepreneur. This is especially true if you are working from home on a computer. There will always be an urge to work that much extra or check the email at odd hours. However you can spend time with your family when you want to.
Whether you become an employer or an employee depends on your level of passion and craving to be an entrepreneur and succeed at all costs.
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